陰ヨガ指導者養成講座 Report











After the hectic schedule of teaching 50-hour vinyasa TT & 50-hour yin yoga TT in the past two months and a half, I can finally sit down, enjoying a cup of tea and doing some reflection.

After 10 years of teaching yin yoga, this year I finally feel ready to share my knowledge and experience.

Many people have the image that yin yoga is only about stretching and relaxing. Quite the opposite, as we get to know our body better, yin yoga teaches us when to stop in a pose, and how to embrace the discomforts in our practices. There are so many benefits that yin yoga can offer.

Sometimes as yoga teachers we feel like our job is really insignificant, “I’m just teaching warrior 1, 2, 3, it doesn’t make a difference in people’s lives.” One of my teachers Max Strom said, “If the world gives you a mic, what would you say?” I try to remember this whenever I feel small as a yoga teacher. Because you never know who will show up in your public class today, politicians, executive members of big companies, university professors, writers, musicians, etc. They come to your class and they give you one hour, you can speak whatever you want to them, what would you say?”

Never underestimate your role as a yoga teacher. Your words might make a difference in your students’ lives, and they are influential people who can make a big difference in our society. We have to believe that we, as yoga teachers, we can make a difference. What change do you want to see in the world? What do you want to say to the world? Why do you teach yoga? Bring this sense of purpose and commitment into your teaching.

Thanks all the trainees who trusted me to be your teacher. I’m so glad to have Shinobu sensei and Tanimoto sensei to join the teaching team and to offer you different aspects of yin yoga. Thanks Noriko & Hidemi for the professional interpretation. Thanks Sadao for helping me with the textbook. Thanks Tamisa for giving me this opportunity. Thanks Midori for all the support.
I couldn’t have done it without all your help.

If you are interested in this training and can’t make it this year, I sincerely invite you to join me next year!

Yin Yoga TT Lecture by Sandra
Yin Yoga TT Mindfulness Lecture by Tanimoto sensei

Yin Yoga TT Chinese Medicine Lecture by Shinobu sensei

Vinyasa & Yin Yoga Teacher Training Manual
Lunch Boxes!
