Yoga Off the Mat ポッドキャストを始まりました!

After 4 months of preparation, we are excited to announce the launch of our podcast, Yoga Off the Mat, to share the topics of yoga philosophy, books, well-being, and health with you all! 

4ヶ月の準備期間を経て、ヨガ哲学、書籍、ウェルビーイング、健康に関するトピックを皆さんと共有するためのPodcast「Yoga Off the Mat」の開始を発表できることを嬉しく思います!

This idea of starting a podcast has germinated in my mind for a couple of years already, without Hidemi and Sadao, I can’t make this happen on my own, thank you so much to both of you for all the support and sharing the same vision! 


We plan to keep this podcast going by posting once every two weeks. Please feel free to rate us, share this podcast with anyone you think would be interested, and give us any feedback.


Find us “Yoga Off the Mat” on
「Yoga Off the Mat」は以下のアプリからお聞きいただけます。
Apple podcast
